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Employee Safety Success

At Murphy Company, we believe we are obligated to protect the human, physical, and financial resources of both our company and our clients.

Our incredible safety record is a testament to its processes and dedication to keeping its employees and the public safe. We maintain a company-wide commitment to safety by incorporating a Corporate Safety Program that strives to achieve Zero Injury Performance. We take a proactive, preventive approach to incorporating safety into every task. Employee well-being is our top priority and we take the safety of our people very seriously.

2024 EMR
2023 EMR
2022 EMR

We recognize our responsibility to manage our business in a manner that will effectively conserve and utilize these resources. It is our belief that all incidents occur as the result of a specific cause or causes and are therefore, preventable.

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At Murphy Company, we believe each and every one of our employees has the right to go home the way they came to work – healthy. Any recommendations to improve our Safety Program are encouraged because we are continually searching for ways to improve our processes and enhance our program.

Consistent with these beliefs, we will endeavor to:

  • Comply with all applicable rules and regulations as set forth by OSHA and the client.
  • Hold Managers and Supervisors at all levels accountable for the safety performance of their operations.
  • Provide a safe and healthful workplace free from recognized hazards.
  • Provide necessary instruction and protective equipment and measures when hazardous work must be performed.
  • Provide professional personnel to support the Safety and Health Program and to monitor performance.
  • Recognize incident prevention as an integral part of all operational activity and not a separate program.

We believe that all worksite injuries are preventable by:

  • Effectively pre-planning our work in order to eliminate accidents and injuries.
  • Implementing a zero tolerance policy for items that keep our employees safe.
  • Providing a high level of training to ensure that our employees are up-to-date on industry standards and the best safety protocols.

Award-Winning Safety Culture

2023 ASA Division 1 Safety Award
2023 SMACNA Superior Safety Award
2022 ASA Division 1 Safety Award
2022 MCAA/ASSP Safety Professional of the Year – VP of Safety – Ricky Reams
2021 ASA Division 1 Safety Award
2021 AGCMO Safety Award – Specialty Contractor
2021 AGC National Safety Excellence Finalist – Silver Award
2020 ASA Division 1 Safety Award
2020 AGCMO Safety Award-Specialty Contractor
2020 AGC Zero Recordable Injury Award
2019 ASA Division 1 Safety Award
2019 ASA Safety Cup

Notable Safety Accomplishments

Consecutive Hours Without a Lost Time Injury
Consecutive Hours Without a Recordable Injury
Consecutive Hours With ZERO INJURIES Nationwide