meridian at brentwood

Meridian at Brentwood

This 7-story office building was constructed at the corner of Highway 40 and Hanley Road during the shutdown and reconstruction of the highway. Two other buildings were also being constructed at the same time which complicated site logistics.

There was no buckhoist on the project which made it difficult to get materials from the ground to the upper floors. To overcome this, Murphy coordinated all plumbing and HVAC deliveries in a “just in time” fashion to get materials distributed for an entire floor on one crane pick. We accomplished this through the use of our hoisting trailers.

Through this method, we were able to limit our crane picks to a total of seven for the entire project. This allowed the work to get done quickly to maintain the schedule and productivity of the manpower. Toilet cores on all floors were prefabricated. Rooftop unit doghouses were coordinated and built to minimize sound and vibration issues coming from the large RTUs.

Owner Musick Construction
Building Type Core and Shell
Project Size $2,200,000
Contract Type Lump Sum
Completion Date 2008
Project Duration 18 Months

Murphy Team

Dan Lynott: Project Manager
Matt Gildehaus: Lead Engineer
Daryl Johnson: Piping Foreman
Jason Branch: Plumbing Foreman
Dale Hirons: Sheet Metal Foreman

Project Team

General Contractor: Musick Construction
Engineer: Murphy Company
Electrical: Guarantee Electric

Scope of Work
