contractors, engineers and architects, St. Louis Children’s Hospital raised $405,000 for KIDstruction 2016, exceeding its goal by $130,000! Murphy Company and its employees raised $23,529 through the unique partner program which encourages participating companies to offer their employees the opportunity to contribute via payroll deduction for each hour worked during KIDstruction Week during a designated week in July or August.
As a Cornerstone Company for the campaign, Murphy matched employee giving at 100 percent. Kevin Suiter, Operations Mangers, led Murphy’s KIDstruction 2016 effort.
Since 2011, KIDstruction Week has raised more than $1 million. Funds raised help Children’s Hospital fulfill its promise of providing a superior patient experience through such programs as music and art therapy, pediatric neuro-critical care, the hospital’s Family Resource Center and sibling playroom and the Healthy Kids Express mobile health vans.