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Murphy Company Brings Home 2019 ASA Cup and Division I Safety Award at Disco Ball Gala Awards

ST. LOUIS – The party must go on! COVID-19 has cancelled or postponed many events, but the American Subcontractors Association (ASA) Midwest Council still wanted to celebrate achievements in safety excellence in 2019, even if it was virtually.

In the late July virtual event, Murphy Company received the coveted ASA Safety Cup and was recognized as the Division I Safety Award Winner.  Murphy’s Vice President of Safety and Quality Rick Reams was able to receive the Cup and Safety Award from the ASA in a later meeting in mid-August.  He said, “The awards ceremony wasn’t the huge black-tie gala it normally is, but I am glad the ASA found a way to still recognize the members for their achievements in safety.  It feels wonderful to bring home this prestigious award!”

From a statement by the ASA Midwest Council judging for subcontractors was based on bid ethics and practice, safety policy and practices, jobsite supervision, communication, scheduling coordination, project relations, administrative procedures/paperwork, and quality workmanship.

In 2019, Murphy Company made some great strides in its safety program and continued to work towards a company goal of Zero Injury Performance. Reams said, “Safety is our culture.  It is our number one core value.  It is always in the forefront and drives every decision we make.  Our culture is what separates us from the rest, and what makes Murphy Company one of the safest contractors in the industry.”

Among the awards received were General Contractor of the Year, Outstanding MEP Subcontractors, Outstanding Specialty Subcontractors, Service Provider/Supplier of the Year, and GC Field and Office Employees of the Year.

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