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Murphy Company Promotes Eight Leaders in Missouri and Colorado

ST. LOUIS – In the first week of June, Murphy Company announced several promotions throughout the organization. Three members of Murphy Company’s senior leadership team were promoted to Executive Vice President. The announcement was made by president and CEO Patrick Murphy Jr, who stated, “The organizational structure of the Executive Committee provides clear accountability, decision making authority, and leverages each person in their respective strengths.”
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Top Row (Left to Right): Bob Mathisen, Tom Skaggs, Chris Carter, Greg Friess Bottom (from Left to Right): Doug Becker, Rick Reams, Paul Gillett, Eric Gottschilich

Bob Mathisen – Executive Vice President (EVP) of Colorado.  Bob has been leading the Colorado office since 2011.  Through his leadership, the Colorado Operations have seen much growth and success, especially when this office earned their first $100 million revenue year in FY 2018 and grew to $140 million in FY 2020. With this promotion, Bob will have clear executive accountability for all construction in Colorado and Wyoming.

Tom Skaggs – Executive Vice President (EVP) of Missouri Construction.  Tom has been with Murphy Company for over 28 years. He led the safety efforts for two decades before assuming an operations role in 2014.  Under his leadership, the Missouri Operations team has continued to grow with improved project execution. With this promotion, Tom will have clear executive accountability for Missouri construction.

Chris Carter – Executive Vice President (EVP) of Services.  Chris has been influential in our service organizations in both Missouri and Colorado since 2009. In his tenure, he has developed a world-class team to support Murphy’s service operations nationwide. The result has been sustained growth in the Missouri Service, Colorado Service, Data Center Services, and Automation Controls groups. With this promotion, Chris will have clear executive accountability for all company-wide Service operations.

In addition to the new executive promotions, there were two promotions to senior vice president and three promotions to vice president in both offices.

Greg Friess – Senior Vice President of Sales and Preconstruction.  Greg is responsible for all the “get work” activities in the Colorado and Wyoming markets.  He has spent most of his career on the work acquisition side of the business, in Estimating, Preconstruction, and Engineering.  He also managed approximately $10 million of data center and government work in Colorado Springs, prior to taking over the Estimating group. Through the years, he has been promoted to Vice President of Estimating (April 2017) and then Vice President of Sales and Preconstruction (early 2019).  His relationship building skills and passion for sales makes Greg a strong leader and a valuable piece of Murphy’s Work Acquisition team.

Doug Becker – Senior Vice President of Construction. Doug is responsible for construction operations in Colorado and Wyoming.  He started with Murphy as an intern in 2000, and has transitioned from a project engineer, to a project manager, and then manager of the Northern Colorado group.  In 2017, Becker was announced as the Vice President of Northern Colorado Operations.  Under his leadership, his team delivered outstanding results and earned great recognition in the industries they served.   In December 2019, it was announced that there would be a re-alignment of Murphy’s Colorado Operations, and construction projects spanning from Wyoming through the Denver Metro Area would be under Doug’s leadership starting April 2020.  Today, Doug manages the group alongside four operations leaders and oversees the work for our 30+ project managers and project engineers.

Rick Reams – Vice President, Safety and Quality.  Since rejoining Murphy Company as the Corporate Safety Director in January 2019, Rick has demonstrated exceptional leadership and has contributed significantly to Murphy’s improved safety performance.  Rick’s work ethic, professionalism, and genuine concern for the team’s workforce is an asset to the organization.  Recognizing that safety and quality go hand-in-hand, Murphy Company moved the QA/QC program and resources under the direction of Rick to help align the quality control program with safety and further strengthen the quality program.

Paul Gillett – Vice President, Colorado Service.  Paul joined Murphy in 2011 as the Colorado Service Group Manager after 20 successful years in the service industry in the Denver area.  When Paul joined the Murphy team in 2011, the Service Group had less than 15 technicians and lacked name recognition in the Denver metro market.  Through his leadership, the Colorado Service Group has grown to 35 technicians and the group’s annual sales has quadrupled.  Paul has expanded the geographical footprint of the service operation from the original Denver location to include Fort Collins and Colorado Springs, providing valuable 24/7 HVAC and Plumbing service to commercial and industrial customers.

Eric Gottschlich – Vice President, Data Center Services.  Over the last decade, Eric initiated Murphy’s Data Center Service offering which he has consistently grown in profitability.  Eric’s steady and consistent leadership allows him to attract key talent from around the industry; and his intent focus on exceeding the client’s expectations in mission critical environments has resulted in significant client retention and substantial repeat business. Furthermore, Eric’s contributions have been critical to attaining some of our corporate initiatives, and with his ongoing leadership, the company hopes to see continued growth and sustainability throughout its service offerings.

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