Anheuser-Busch – Filler Beer Recovery

The Anheuser-Busch Filler Beer Recovery project was bid and executed based off of one line P&ID drawings and included procurement and installation of 5000’ of schedule 5 stainless steel piping and associated fittings. Our team also completed the fabrication of stainless steel hangers and skid manifold supports to accommodate piping and owner-furnished Tuchenhagen valves, flow meters, and other miscellaneous process instrumentation. The installation occurred in fully functional filler and packaging areas with high pedestrian traffic and fully operational processes. We pushed to complete this project within the three-month schedule without disturbances to Anheuser-Busch production.

Owner Anheuser-Busch
Building Type Existing Building Fitout
Project Size $800,000
Contract Type Lump Sum
Completion Date 2017
Project Duration 3 Months

Murphy Team

Project Manager: Trevor Sundheim
Plumbing Foreman: Aaron Ferster

Project Team

General Contractor: Murphy Company
Engineer: BW Design Group
Electrical: CES

Scope of Work

Process Piping