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Aurora Public Schools – Multi-Location Boiler Project

Murphy Company was awarded two Aurora Public School (APS) Boiler Project locations: Parklane and Sable Elementary Schools. Our team worked on both sites simultaneously to meet the deadlines for both projects. With the expert communication and skills between Murphy Company and The Ballard Group, both projects were successfully completed within the given timelines. For Park Lane Elementary School, our team removed and discarded two existing hot water boilers and all associated circulator pumps, air separators, water flow meters, heating water and gas piping, 3-way mixing valve, flue material, wiring, and controls. We also installed a new 3,000 MBH boiler and all associated gas and heating, flue and combustion air piping, flue and combustion air piping roof terminations, and DDC controls.

For Sable Elementary School, Murphy removed and discarded the two existing gas-fired hot water boilers and all associated boiler isolation valves, heating water and gas piping, 3-way mixing valve, flue material, wiring, and controls. In addition, Murphy provided and installed a new 2,000 MBH boiler and all associated gas and heating water piping, insulation, concrete pad, flue and combustion air piping, flue and combustion air piping roof terminations, and DDC controls required to create a working system. Murphy was able to execute the projects efficiently and effectively.

Owner Aurora Public Schools
Building Type Renovation
Project Size $300,000
Contract Type Lump Sum
Completion Date 2019
Project Duration 3 Months

Murphy Team

Project Manager: John Ciasto
Piping Foreman: Paul Combest

Project Team

Engineer: The Ballard Group
Architect: The Ballard Group

Scope of Work

Sheet Metal