
University of Colorado – Anschutz CUP Blowdown Tanks

After completing the replacement of Boiler 7 at the CU Anschutz CUP facility, Murphy Company was requested to accomplish additional work at the plant. The single intermittent blowdown tank (IBD) in the CUP needed repairs, in addition to Boiler 7. The request for a second tank is to provide backup in case a problem were to arise with the first tank. A continuous blowdown tank (CBD) was also installed. The new tank included an energy recovery system to preheat the boiler make-up water and to provide flash steam to Deaerators 1 and 2. The biggest challenge throughout this project was coordinating the installation in an operating plant. Our superintendent and project manager worked closely with the CU personnel to plan out every detail to ensure the plant remained operational throughout the project. We were able to pre-fabricate a majority of the piping at our facility to limit the hot work and downtime for tie-ins. The job was completed on time and under budget, allowing Murphy Company to build upon a great relationship with both Howell Construction and the CU CUP personnel.

Owner University of Colorado
Building Type Renovation
Project Size $655,000
Contract Type Lump Sum
Completion Date 2022
Project Duration 6 Months

Murphy Team

Bradley Andrews: Operations Manager
Ian Wincentsen: Project Manager
Brian Anderson: Superintendent
Shawn DeWerff: Piping Foreman
Keith Sylber: Plumbing Foreman

Project Team

General Contractor: Howell Construction
Engineer: RMH
Architect: Cannon Design
Electrical: Weifeld

Scope of Work
